Interested in pursuing a career in Real Estate, or simply furthering your education within the Real Estate Field? Click below for information on how you can get started with the Real Estate School of Georgia!
Does this Course make me a Licensed Agent?
No, the Pre-Licensing course does not make you a licensed agent. This course prepares you for the Real Estate World and is required by the Georgia Real Estate Commission in order to take the state exam. Upon completion of an approved 75 hour Pre-Licensing Course with a passing grade of 72 or better and completion of the State Exam with a passing grade of 72 or better, you will be a Licensed Real Estate Agent.

How long does the Pre-License Course last?
Real Estate School of Georgia’s Pre-License Course will meet 3 nights weekly over the span of approximately 7 weeks in order to meet the 75 hour requirement.

How do I enroll?
In order to enroll, individuals can call our office at 678-688-8182 and we will be happy to register you for an upcoming class right over the phone. You are also welcome to come by our school to register in person. Our school is located at 246 O’Dell Road Suite 1, Griffin, Ga 30224. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.
Is Tuition Refundable?
Tuition is nonrefundable at the Real Estate School of Georgia.